Save your Skin this Summer

July 8, 2015

It's no secret that summer can and does take a toll on your skin. But don't sweat it, read on to find our favorite summer skin savers (most are all natural) for gorgeous glowing summer skin.

No. 1: Ice It

No stranger to spas, ice is a perfect summer skin saver. Its FREE first of off. It will cool you down, and when used morning and night it is said to refresh the face, fight off wrinkles, fight acne and heal blemishes, and promote blood circulation. Simply take a cube or two and rub it over your face until it melts.

No. 2: Cover Up

For the not so perfect skin days when you need a little coverage. Cover blemishes and problem areas with a CC cream that sports a 35 SPF. The make up coverage will cover once, the SPF will cover twice.

No. 3: Trust The Bum

Sun Bum sunscreen is our new favorite for body and face. The sun protection can't be beat, the grease factor non existent, and the smell is heavenly. We have been using it all summer and have yet to be burned (while using it) once.

No. 4: Aloe Allover

While Aloe Vera soothes a sunburn. Frozen Aloe Vera is pure bliss on crispy burnt skin. Have some on hand for summer burns or even if your skin needs a little extra moisturizing.

No. 5: Eat Fresh

On the go this summer? Don't reach for junk or fast foods. Be prepared and stock up on fresh fruits and veggies. Your skins health depends on what you eat, so fill up on the good stuff. Strawberries can also be mashed and used as a face mask to exfoliate, brighten, and cleanse your skin. Just add a tablespoon or two of honey to them.

No. 6: Give it Time

Most of us expect products to work immediately but top dermatologists will all tell you that products need time to work. So whether you just picked up a new cleanser, moisturizer, or acne product, give it at least a month of use before deciding if it works for you.

No. 7: Drink Up

More outdoor time, climbing temperatures, and sunshine, means more water is needed to keep your skin happy and moisturized.

No. 8: Keep It Simple

Skin responds best to minimal products. Most of us need a good cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen, and retinol product. Take a look at what you are putting on your face everyday and see if you can downsize your routine.

No. 9: Cover Up

Nothing ages a woman faster than tan wrinkled skin and nowhere is your skin thinner and at risk of wrinkling than your face. So cover it up when possible and make your own shade with a wide brimmed hat.

No. 10: Cantaloupe CAN

"Can boost your SPF", says celebrity facialist Kate Sommerville. Cantaloupe is the ultimate skin moisturizer melon for the summer heat, so get out there and find some melons.

No. 11: So Long Scratching

Don't scratch your bug bites! Scratching can result in permeant scarring. While a cream may be a quick fix, you can also take an oatmeal bath, use a cold green tea bag to press on the bite, or cover it with a bandaid or scotch tape to remind you not to itch.

No. 12: Bigger is Better

BIG sunglasses that is. The skin around your eyes is the thinnest and can damage quite easily if you don't protect it. Glasses will also prevent you from squinting which leaves those dreaded lines around the eyes and forehead.

No. 13: Hands On

Remember to put sunblock on your hands!! We always remember to protect everything but our hands which also has very thin skin, and your hands are ALWAYS in the sun! Sunblock up to protect from premature aging.

No. 14: Face Off

Find a sunscreen perfect for your face and use it more often than any other product you touch this summer. If you are prone to oily skin or blemishes you may want to try a sheer sunscreen specially formulated for the face to avoid breakouts.

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