Motivate Me Monday - Dive on In

July 6, 2015

Pool Workouts 
Hit the public pool early or late and odds are good you'll catch a glimpse of water aerobic folks bobbing up and down over there in the deep end. Ever tried it?  A few summers back we were diligent about hitting the am classes and we LOVED it. Why? With the resistance of the water it is a fantastic workout if you do the moves right. Being in the pool keeps you cool in the hot summer months. Finally, it's fun. We are no swimmers but trying to figure out the equipment and moves while bobbing to the left when you should be going right, make for a workout packed with laughs. Which in the end up is quite a bit of fun and distracts you from noticing just how hard you are working those beautiful muscles! If you'd rather go it alone and not attend a class here are some great toning moves and exercises you can try on your own and still receive the benefits of a pool workout.

An upper body dream of a workout, similar to paddle boarding, moving yourself through the water with your own strength gets the arms burning in a good way. While we tend to only kayak on vacation as that is usually the only time they are available to us we look for any opportunity to take these little one-man vessels out and about. Because Kayaking and Paddle boarding are becoming more popular you may have easier access to them. Rent them, take a class, or go in on one with a friend or sibling. 

Surfing/Wake Surfing 
While we would love to claim this photo is one of us, sadly we are not that proficient in the art of surfing. Yet. But, we keep trying. (One of us did take the photo so that counts for something right?) From maneuvering the board to paddling out, and finally to getting up on the board at just the right time only to be pummeled by a wave and be back to square one we fully understand why surfers have near perfect bodies. Your muscles are constantly in motion and always left guessing what they'll be needed for next. Surfing is a full body water workout that will leave you truly ripped should you stick with it. It is also a good workout to be on the lookout for sharks that might see you as a tasty treat. Wink wink. For those of you like us that are landlocked and can't try surfing as often as you'd like... look for similar sports like long boarding, snowboarding, and wake surfing that will work many of the same muscles. You can also look for indoor surfing locations that are popping up all over the nation. You purchase a set amount of time and you can surf on their simulated waves.

Not a workout you say?  Sitting down while being pulled by a motorized boat you say? Uh no. Have you ever been bounced off a tube and tried to get back in to one of those giant inflatable donuts while bobbing in the water, your arms too weak from hanging on to pull your body weight up into it for yet another run? It is HARD. While it's not going to burn major calories or sculpt like surfing, you will get a mini workout from your efforts to stay on, get on, and swim back to your tube. Plus it is fun, and you might get a six pack from all the laughs. (We said might.)

If you ski or snowboard you know that Waterskiing and Wakeboarding are similar and provide a similar full body workout. Wakeboarding requires arm and leg strength as you must hold the rope, pull yourself up, and remain standing while cruising through the water. We realize that this may be a hard sport to try as not everyone has access to the equipment or a boat but do a little digging. We have noticed several wakeboarding parks opening up that simple require you, your swimsuit, and a ticket. They provide the board, life jacket, and rope system to pull you on a course that will allow you to wake board. Not your style? Get a group of friends or family together and charter a boat for the afternoon. They'll bring the equipment and the boater know how and you can simply enjoy your day on the lake.

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