In each set of prints the results were the same. Strangers described the women more beautiful than they described themselves. As one of the women commented, "our self perceptions are generally.. harsh and unbecoming when really that is not how the world sees us."
If a perfect stranger would describe you as more beautiful than you yourself would, imagine how close friends and loved ones would describe you. For they know your inner beauty as well as your outer beauty and the two work hand in hand to make a woman beautiful.
Your family and friends, even acquaintances, see you taking care of others. Caring for children, spouses, and other family members. Checking in on a friend, neighbor, or acquaintance. Stopping quickly to pay $1.00 for the worst $.25 cent lemonade that excited children are selling on the corner. We are women. We take care of others. That is what makes us truly beautiful. But when you are ready to take care of yourself you can better take care of others and it becomes a cycle. True beauty from within paired with your unique physical beauty and you have a recipe for true happiness.
One of the women looks at both pictures in amazement and says, "I should be more grateful of my natural beauty. It impacts the choices and the friends that we make, the jobs that we apply for, how we treat our children.... it impacts everything. It couldn't be more critical to your happiness."
"You are more beautiful than you think, " says Dove. We agree.
(Not a sponsored post for Dove. We just love their message!)
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