February 24, 2015

Growing up there was always a bag of open chocolate chips in the cupboards, hot chocolate mix for cold winter days, and chocolate cakes in one form or another for nearly every birthday. We. Loved. It. Still do. Our husbands have had to learn about our chocolate addiction that we don't do much to hide in all honesty. Why bother? It is delicious. But trying to watch our girlish figures we try to work with the old sweet tooth instead of against it. So instead of baking an entire pan of ooey gooey chocolatey brownie goodness that odds are you'll snack on until they are nearly gone, try making these Brownie Bites. (They are great for parties as well.) While you will still have to exercise some self control, we have found that it is much easier to have one or two and leave the rest for another day. So purchase a set of silicone mini baking cups, or a mini pan with paper cups. Either way will work, and get to baking. Here are a few twists on the classic brownie that you may find you'll enjoy.

Brownie Bites- The Smore 
  • Choose a boxed Brownie Mix and prepare as per instructions on the box.
  • Fill your cups of choice with brownie batter 
  • Place a mini marshmallow in the center of each brownie and push it in a bit. The top can remain showing. 
  • Bake as per directions on the box.
  • Remove from oven. The marshmallow will be a little brown on top just like it would if perfectly roasted on a campfire.
  • Top with a Hershey Kiss.

Brownie Bites -Blossom Style
One of our favorite cookies is the peanut butter cookie topped with a Hershey Kiss. We decided to try it on a brownie. 
  • Bake up your favorite boxed brownie mix in your cups of choice. 
  • When they are fresh out of the oven allow to cool for a minute or two in the pan before placing them on a plate. 
  • Place a Hershey's Kiss candy in the center of each brownie.         

Brownie Bites-Oh So Sweet
  • Prepare favorite boxed brownie mix.
  • Add a sprinkle of powdered sugar to your treats for an unexpected taste of sweetness.

Remember, part of sticking to a healthy nutrition program is allowing yourself to have your favorite treats. Depriving yourself will only make you want them more and set you up for failure when you overindulge because you have not fed your sweet tooth often enough. It is a balance that you must find and maintain. While you can't eat high calorie sweets daily you can savor sweet bites daily and still be healthy, fit, and most importantly happy!

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