February 23, 2015

Working out. No time. No Gym. No Motivation. No Energy. We know. We get it. Are you making it too hard to workout? We do some days. We wait for the perfect time of day when the stars align and the babies take naps, we have a burst of energy, and all the perfect gym equipment to stay perfectly in shape. Riiight, because that is totally going to happen. Maybe tomorrow. Fingers crossed. 

You have set a goal. (Hopefully.) You have written it down. Now it is time to make it happen. One of the steps to do that is to GET MOVING. This week the goal is to add movement, exercise, activity into your current routine. Make exercising easier on yourself. Sneak in workouts when you can, even small ones make a difference. 

Week 1: Add exercise/activity to each day
  • 30 Minutes of cardio to your day
  • Brisk walk, Biking, jogging, hiking, taking the stairs, anything that gets your heart moving.
  • Go to the gym or do it at home-Do what works for you.
  • Break up the time by doing 3 sessions of 10 minutes each. 
  • Park far away from the store and walk in
  • Play with your kids at the park
The bottom line is don't make it harder than it needs to be. Think about your day and you'll find dozens of ways to add in bits of activity and get your 30 minutes of exercise in. If you have a gym pass and enjoy going everyday or a few times a week, great. Do it. If not, you don't need a gym to get in shape. You may however want to get a few basics to help you see some results. Keep them close so you are more likely to use them. Here are our ten best basic workout items right now that will help get you moving.

1. Water Bottle
Drink more water. Now. We'll wait. Get up and get a tall glass to drink while you read the rest of this post. Water is so important for your health and one of the things that can be overlooked for many reasons. One of which is it gets boring. More on that later. We'll show you how to make water a little more tasty. For now find a water bottle. This one is $6, is durable, and can be taken with you wherever you may go. Drinking water helps your skin, aids in lose weight, and will make your body feel so much better if you are drinking the correct amount.

2. Free Weights
Free Weights are a must have because they allow you to sculpt and tone the areas that you would like to focus on. If you are a beginner start with a 2-5 pound weight. To give a little more resistance look for an 8-10 pound weight. Whatever you can lift and use to do 10-15 exercises also known as sets before you can't possibly do another. A gallon of milk weighs in at 8.6 pounds so if you need to get creative that is always an option as are cans of soup or chili. Use what you have.

3. Golds Gym Ankle Weights 
Seems silly, but to add some resistance and tone up your lovely legs, strap on a pair of ankle weights and go for a walk or a hike. You will feel it later. The added resistance will not only tone but it will give you a cardio workout as well because you'll be working harder to move your legs. You can even strap them on while you clean house or go to the grocery store. Two birds with one stone.

From Ryan Reynolds to Gwyneth Paltrow, celebrities are strapping on activity trackers in an effort to up their fitness levels.  If you are motivated my numbers and seeing your progress you may want to look into one of these. They do a great job at tracking your daily activity so you can be sure you are moving enough. We often overestimate how much physical activity we are actually getting. One of these bad boys will tell you the honest truth!

Karena and Katrina, the Tone It Up Girls have made 3 sets of workout DVD's that can be purchased from their website. They also have dozens of workouts posted to their site and available on YouTube. From yoga, to kettlebells, to HIIT workouts to toning each individual part of your body. You will find it all. The are fun to watch because most of them are filmed on the beach. So you can pretend you are there as well instead of in your living room. 

If you love workout DVDs. SELF Magazine has put together a variety of workout DVDS that are quick and easy to follow. We each have a stack of SELF workout DVD's that we keep going back to because they work and are a quick fix on days you want to stay in but still sneak in a workout.

All the rage at the moment, Kettlebells are great for toning and have the ability, if used correctly to change your body. Using Kettlebells will also mix up your regular free weight routine, which is important so that you do not get bored. New to Kettlebells? Try these workouts here and see what you think. Here, here, or here.

Don't see the purpose of a yoga mat? We didn't either until we started skidding and slipping all over the floors while trying to do some You Tube workouts. While a Mat is not necessary, it is nice to have as it will keep your feet, hands, and arms in place as you do yoga inspired moves to tone up trouble spots. If you don't have one a towel or rug can work somewhat but there is nothing quite like the grip of a yoga mat to make some exercises a little more do able.

9. Yoga Pants
Yoga pants from Costco are our new favorite. They come in tall sizes, as well as regular, and short. We love it when companies realize that women come in every size and make their clothing accordingly. Costco doesn't carry them year round so check every now and then when you make your regular milk run to Costco. Target also carries a nice inexpensive yoga pant. We recommend trying them on first as they have different styles. You'll want a pair that is flattering on you. 

10. You
You are your own best basic workout "item" for several reasons. First, you can do small workouts with no equipment wherever you are. At the park with the kids? Do calf raises while they play. Watching tv? Can you say crunches. Doing dishes or brushing your teeth, do some leg lifts. Squats before you shower. If you make a habit of doing small things like this throughout your day they will add up to noticeable changes in your body. 

Second, you are the only one that can make being healthy a priority for you. It is your decision, and your time and effort that go into being the best healthiest version of yourself. 

Last and most importantly....

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