DIY Pottery Barn Heart Pillowcases

February 2, 2017

I recently have been drooling over this sheet set from Pottery Barn . . . ok more just the pillowcases. But who am I kidding, it's Pottery Barn and it's pricey, there is no way I am gunna pay $80.00 for a set of twin sheets. Looking at these I thought to myself that I could easily replicate them.

So here ya go . . .

What you need:
Black paint (non-washable/permanent)
Sponge brush
Heart stencil
White pillow case

Slip cardboard under before you start so you don't get bleeding!
Start a paintin'. 
TIP: apply a liberal amount of paint to get the full sharp heart shape

I left the folded creases in the pillow to help create a guide to aline the pattern. Be sure to line the hearts up horizontal, vertically, and diagonally with equal spacing between them all. (Lots of lining up, I know) 

And there ya have it!! Repeat on the backside. 
TIP: be sure to let the whole thing dry COMPLETELY before you take out the cardboard

Pottery Barn Version ^^^

Happy crafting. 
XO, Megs

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Megyn Jordyn © . Quinn Creatives .