Summer Treasures - Summer Go To's for Beachy Beauty

June 25, 2015

Every year we find ourselves slowly purchasing the same, or very similar items in May and June because we can feel summer coming. This year has been no different. It happens because they are tried and true summer essentials that we use, love, and need, (yes need) to get us through the summer months. Sure, every year we try a new item or two and sometimes those will make it into our list of "treasures" but for the most part we know what we like and there is a reason why. Read on for our list of Summer Treasures and why we love them so! 
(This is NOT a sponsored post. Just items we use and love.)

Tourquoise and/or Blue Jewelry
Two reasons. It reminds us of the ocean and two, it helps your gorgeous golden tan POP!

We love sundresses, wraps, maxi skirts, denim shirts, skirts, and shorts, just as much as the next girl but for those days that you really plan on getting down and dirty (having some fun) nothing lets you move, feel comfortable, and stylish like a good pair of Roxy shorts and and Old Navy tanks.  The board shorts will last you for years and the tanks are such a good price you can replace them every year if you need or buy more than one.

Before you plug your ears because coconut oil has been in EVERYTHING this year hear us out. We bought this on a whim because it was the last one on the grocery shelf and it smelled good. Thats the cold hard truth. But, being outside in the summer heat really dries out your hair and this has helped put a bit of moisture back in. So if you have fine hair we wouldn't recommend this for winter but for summer it does the job quite nicely.

We stumbled upon this company because we won a sample size bag of some of their products. They are an organic beauty company that uses simple and all natural ingredients and so far they feel great on the skin. We'll keep you posted on how they turn on long term but so far we love the face creams and 10% of their sales go to which is another reason to love them.

Travel or Summer Journal/Planner
In the world of social media journals have lost their place as it is easy to look back over what you have done. While it is hard (for us anyway) to sit down and write everything in a journal we have found it is fun to buy a small planner or notebook for vacation or the summer and simply jot down a few sentences from each day. Funny things, something you did, highlight of your day. It is fun to look back on and read things that you would not have remembered otherwise. Plus, lets face it, some things should not be shared on social media but are, maybe this would help out with the TMI (too much information) that we get from some.

All year long we use the classic peppermint lip balm but this year switched it out for the Mango and are enjoying the change for summer. They also have a coconut but haven't tried that yet.

While we have only used this a handful of times it offers good coverage along with an SPF 35 and seems to stay put in the heat. No complaints from us yet.

Love It. Saw it here and there. Read countless reviews. Tried it and the rest is history. Smells coconutty delicious, doesn't burn your eyes, and so far has not produced burns for us or our children and we have put it to the test in water, at the beach, at the park, in the yard. Passes with flying colors every time. We can't say enough good things about this one. 

All you DIY girls know you can figure this out and skip the pricey trip to the salon for your summer highlights right? This is the kit we like the best and it is pretty fool proof. Read the instructions and you'll have it. A bit of advice, don't use the cap. Just place the highlights where you want them, time it, and wash it. If you need to add more you always can. We have not had good experiences with the cap.

Summer Decor
Usually while on vacation we pick up something to remind us of the trip. A dish, christmas ornament, or piece of jewelry. If you are staying close to home look around and find a piece of summer to bring inside. TJMaxx, Ross, and Target are some of our favorite places to score great summer decor.

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