May 28, 2015

Memorial Day has come and gone so what are you waiting for? Summer is here and waiting for adventures to be had, memories made, and delicious food eaten! Make your list or take ours, either way get out there because sadly, summer slips by way too fast. 

Adventure Awaits-Its up to you to find it. 
Don't wait for adventure to find you, find it! While your family and/or friends are ho humming about summer plans, take the lead and make some of your own. A day hike, an overnight camping drip, a weekend at the beach, bbq at the lake. Whatever suits your fancy, just get the ball rolling so your kind of fun is sure to happen.

Catch A Sunrise
From right side up or upside down, pick a few days here and there to catch the mornings first rays. The early morning hours are refreshing whether you are on vacation or at your home. Taking your workouts outside can energize you for the rest of the day and ensure that you stick to them. Not a morning person? Blend up a smoothie, grab a blanket and find a comfy seat to enjoy the view and wake up on your own terms.

Don't Be Afraid of Heavy Lifting
The older we get the more we realize just how much work it takes to have fun. (Thank you Mom and Dad for both past and future vacations. We understand now why you always wanted to nap on vacation.) Do your part in helping so the load is a bit lighter for everyone. No one likes the leach that doesn't help out with getting things set up or packed. Paddle boarding. Try it. Love it. 

Of all the paths you take this summer.... make sure some of them are dirt. John Muir
We have yet to get this shot enlarged and framed because we love it so. Hike, backpack, or camp. Visit your old favorite trails or explore some new ones. Just find a beaten path and get on it. Always bring water and make sure someone knows where you'll be and when to expect you back.

Pack em IN, Pack em OUT
Just remember that this applies to kids, as well as anything else you may happen to leave on the trail. Wink wink. We wholeheartedly recommend bringing the tykes with you to the great outdoors. Everything is more fun (and a tad more work) when these bundles of energy are around. Plus the workout you'll get from hiking around with them on your back will let you enjoy some extra s'mores without losing your girlish figure.

When Your Jeans Don't Cut It-Cut Them!
Besides the flip flop is there a better summer fashion do than cut off jean shorts? We think not, and if you disagree we challenge you to find it. Worn in jeans make the perfect pair of summer shorts. We'll wait while you go find some scissors. A tip from those who know, start with them longer than you think you'll want them. You can always cut off more.

Bronzer is a Girls Best Friend
Get your summer tan the healthy way instead of cooking like a lobster and aging your pretty little self. A dab or two of bronzer goes a long way so err on the side of 'less is more' so you don't end up looking like a human Doritos chip instead of a bronzed beach goddess.

Bad Hair Day? Bun it!
Keep several elastics on hand for braids, buns, ponytails and any other kind of updo that floats your boat because its hard to ride in one with hair flying in every direction. Keep it simple and messy for a carefree summer look.

The cure for anything is salt water. Sweat, tears, or the sea. -Isak Dinesen
Wise words. If possible plan a trip to the beach and enjoy every single last second of it. If not, guess you are with those of us that have to depend on the sweat or tears for our cure. Maybe both. Jog to the local lake and shed a tear or two that you aren't eating a frozen drink of some kind while your toes are in the sand, and the beach breezes blow through your hair. 

Pictures Please
Don't forget about your camera. Make sure you take pictures of your summer escapades as the memories are priceless. Too often we return from a trip and wish we had taken a few more pictures of this or that. Once you get home, print them, make a photo book, or find a way to swap and share pictures with everyone in the book. Photos are no good if they stay on someones phone or camera card until they are lost or forgotten.

A Pair of "Shoes" Can Change Your Life
Wakeboard boots are Jordyn's glass slipper. She met her husband on a lake she had never been to, learning to wakeboard, which she had never done before either. Just decided why not. Packed her bags and joined some friends on a trip. Life changing. Get out of your comfortable "shoes" and try something new. You never know where it might take you.

Enjoy It
Summer can be just as busy and packed with action as the rest of the year if not more so.  Take the time to do the things you have waited all year to do, and once done, sit back and enjoy.

Leave a Little Sparkle Wherever You Go
Along with having a summer birthday, Megan is a real Holiday Junkie. She loves each and every part of every event and pretty much has a smile on her face the entire month of July. She lights up every party and as a result those around her have a good time. Try it, be the upbeat happy one that makes others feel good just to be around you. Also. Sparklers, are a summer MUST.

Choose Wisely
This holds true to your sunblock and your summer crew. Choose your adventure companions wisely. Nothing is worse than being stuck with duds during your adventure getaway. This is us with two of our summer besties!

Be A Campfire Cutie
Everyone looks great in the soft glow of fire light, and on a summer evening there is something almost magical about a campfire. So, set one up tee-pee style. Use all or most of our already mentioned tips.... make a plan, gather your wisely chosen crew, throw that hair up, and smile the night away. Grab the s'more supplies, give roasted Twinkies or Starburts a try for something different, and enjoy a night under the stars.

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