May 11, 2015

While we would love to say we have mastered paddle boarding and are ready to give you the run down of several amazing moves to get you excited to hop right out on the next body of water you see..... We'll be honest. We haven't mastered it. We aren't even close. But, we are one step closer than we were yesterday. We woke put to an overcast day, and thought why not? We packed up the boards, called up Grandma and our sister to help with the kids, and we were off. 

The scenery was beautiful, the weather just right, and the company perfect. We spent the morning on the water with our new paddleboards trying moves new to us, laughing till our sides hurt, and convincing Mom and said sister to give it a try.  Though not dressed for it, and never having stepped foot on one we talked them into it at they both loved it are are ready to try it again.

So here are a few shots from our morning on the lake, and our two cents to you, on Motivation Monday should you choose to take it! Get outside, try something new, and have fun! 

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