April 20, 2015

Trying to slim down for swimsuit season? Us too. We are trying to eat better and add exercise and more activity to our days to burn off those unwanted calories.  While we are starting to see some results we decided to take a closer look at what we were eating and be more mindful of our choices. So rather than a simple "eat healthy" we found some tips and tricks to help cut the bad foods and add the good. Hope you can find a few to add into your daily eating.
         Some of them anyway. Pay attention to what you are drinking each day. Too many sodas, smoothies, lemonades, or juices may be the reason you aren't dropping any dress sizes. We won't mention any names but lets just say that while one of us has managed to keep herself away from the deliciousness of a cold crisp beverage in a can the other of us drinks it more than water. So, one of us will be swapping pop for water. (At least a few cans anyway.) Try to swap out some of your drinks with water or diluted juices to give yourself a more calorie friendly, and healthier for you beverage.  Soda is very dehydrating and as a rule of thumb, for every soda you drink you should drink double that amount in water to make up for how it will dehydrate your body.

By the time you are thirsty for water your body is already dehydrated. The formula used to be 8, 8 oz glasses of water each day, a "one size fits all" rule. Experts agree that has changed, as water needs are different for every body, and every body type. Needed water intake also depends on size, weight, activity level, diet (how much food are you eating that contains water such as soup, fresh fruit, etc.)  and where you live.  A good rule to follow however, is to strive to drink half of your body weight in ounces each day.  For example a 150 pound woman would generally need 75oz of water a day. If you are more active and live in a hotter climate then you need more water vs someone who is less active and living in a cooler and/or a more humid climate.

Chocolate craving? Instead of eating an entire chocolate bar or box of cookies try adding some chocolate chips to fresh fruit. Chocolate chips in raspberries are quite delicious and a low cal snacking option. Craving the crunch of chips? Try celery sticks, or a handful of chips with fresh salsa.  Find a way to have a small portion of what you are craving paired with something healthy.

While simple fresh food can taste delicious sometimes we get tired of the same old thing. But, we still need that nutritious food. Keep your favorite foods but change the taste to some extent by changing the texture.  Freeze your grapes. Try dried fruit. Mix up multiple fruits and veggies into a smoothie. Get creative. Anything that changes the texture just a little bit may help you reach for it instead of a more sugary alternative.

 While traveling in Italy several years ago we learned this secret from the Italians. Lemon water is very, very, good for you. To name a few lemon water, boosts the immune system, fights blemishes on your skin, calms the nerves, helps digest food, reduces depression, quenches your thirst, rids the body of toxins, and as a nice added bonus, freshens the breath. So, try it first thing in the am in a bit of warm water or sip it during the day. But lemon water will have you seeing all kinds of benefits. Just don't go too overboard as too much lemon may not be good for the enamel on your teeth.
Just a "handful or two" can turn into quite a bit more food than you intended to eat. So when you little hand goes a wandering into the chip bag for a few more, or just a taste, do yourself a favor and grab a plate. When you can see how much food you are eating on your plate it is easier to stop at one serving.

Wonder no longer. While it may have fewer calories, white bread is not what you want to be eating. Opt for wheat as it is a complex carbohydrate which keeps you fuller longer. Whole grain bread provides more essential nutrients and is much healthier for you than white bread because it is less refined.


Spinach will not only strengthen your hair, skin, and bones but, it also has never ending health benefits such as lowering your risk of high blood pressure and many cancers. Bulk up your salads with leafy greens, and throw some in your smoothies to jam pack your drink with vitamins.

Try some all Natural Adams peanut butter, it is less calories, has a higher content of protein, and is all around healthier for you. Once you have tried it you won't go back to the JIF/Skippy peanut butter. An even healthier alternative is Almond butter as it lacks the hydrogenated oils that make peanut butter a real health food no no.

Look over your diet and you'll be surprised to see that there are quite a few places you can make small changes that will make a big difference in how healthy you are eating. Rather than start a drastic diet plan we prefer to make small changes like these over the course of days, weeks, or months. That way we are continuously trying to eat better but can still enjoy some of our favorite foods as well.  How about you? Anything you'd add to the list to slowly makeover your diet? We love hearing new tips.

1 comment

  1. These are good tips! It's easy to make a few small changes and be healthier as you go :) I have always drunk a lot of water - needed with the heat here in Queensland! But there are other little changes like you've mentioned above that add up over time :)

    Away From The Blue


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