If you are motivated by money find an old jar or container, make a label; Cardio Cash, Workout Winnings, Running Rewards, Suit Stash, and decide how often you'll pay yourself. It can be as simple as a dollar a day or a dollar a workout. Whatever you decide. Next decide when you'll spend your cash. Set the goal and write it down. Is it when you can jog for a full mile or full 30 minutes? Is it when you have lost your first 5 pounds. Whenever you set it make sure it is at intervals throughout your entire plan. You need to be rewarded along the way not just at the end. (Try not to spend your dough on dough, meaning don't buy food. Make it clothing, workout gear, a book, music, something non edible.)
If you are motivated by money find an old jar or container, make a label; Cardio Cash, Workout Winnings, Running Rewards, Suit Stash, and decide how often you'll pay yourself. It can be as simple as a dollar a day or a dollar a workout. Whatever you decide. Next decide when you'll spend your cash. Set the goal and write it down. Is it when you can jog for a full mile or full 30 minutes? Is it when you have lost your first 5 pounds. Whenever you set it make sure it is at intervals throughout your entire plan. You need to be rewarded along the way not just at the end. (Try not to spend your dough on dough, meaning don't buy food. Make it clothing, workout gear, a book, music, something non edible.)
What To Wear
Sometimes it helps to see a part of your goal that you'll be wearing. A swimsuit, a pair of jeans, a dress or skirt. Put it on display in your closet. When you can see it daily it is at the fore front of your mind and it will help you stay motivated and make better fitness decisions. It also helps to visualize yourself achieving your goals.
Fitness Trackers
There are dozens of activity trackers on the market at the moment. They are all a little different. They track anything and everything from calories, steps, fuel, hours worn, miles run, etc. etc. The Nike Fuel Band is what I have owned for the past 6 weeks and so far I love it. Once set up to your height, weight, and goals, at the push of a button it will let you know where you stand for the day. It helps me get more activity than I otherwise would. Sometimes the only reason I get in a workout is I want to see the numbers go up. Even if that is the only reason you wear it, do it. If it motivates you to move it is doing its job!
Write it Down
You need to be aware of how much food you are eating and when. When you find the patterns of what time of day you are starving you can make a plan to eat instead of overeat. I love my Food and Exercise Journal is what we are currently using. It's cheap, will last for 12 weeks of records, and it has room for workouts and weekly progress check-ins so you can see what you need to adjust. You can also use a notepad of any kind to get the job done.
Buddy Up
Find a friend, sibling, spouse, or anyone for that matter to be your workout buddy. Maybe you have different goals, maybe they are the same. Either way working out with a friend has several benefits. It is fairly easy to cancel plans on yourself, but if your workout buddy is waiting for you at the gym or the end of the street you will most likely be there at the set time. Workouts will also be quicker and more enjoyable when you have someone to share the "pain" with. If you don't have anyone to buddy up with for a physical workout simply find someone to talk to about your fitness goals. Just telling someone might be enough to hold you accountable so that you'll continue on when the going gets tough.
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