Time to do something about it once and for all. In an effort to motivate myself and hopefully help some of you too, I ask you to join me. Lose that last ten pounds. You can do it. I can do it. It will take a little bit of work, a little bit of "suffering" as we don't eat quite as many treats as we would like, but in the end it will be so very worth it.
Instead of laying out an exact start and end date for you we thought it would work best if you chose your date. Lose 10 by When? You choose your start and end date and get on board with us as we eat healthier, tone up, and lose some of those pesky pounds. I would like to lose my stubborn 10 by Memorial Day weekend. My family is beach bound sometime in June and I would like to wear my swimsuit of choice confidently. So for me that is roughly 14 weeks. Quite do able. When will you lose your 10 (or more) by? A family reunion, 4th of July, a wedding, a graduation, a birthday? It does not have to be a huge event or date. But pick a date. You'll need to set some goals and stick with them and picking a date is the very first step.
Get Started
First things first. Click here to visit Model My Diet. You'll see the below picture of a virtual woman. To the side you can enter your height, weight, goal weight, and what type of body you have. Click update and you can see what you look like now and what you will look like ten or more pounds thinner. I realize that being fit, healthy, and in shape are not all about the numbers and that muscle weighs more that fat. While working out you will gain muscle and in turn your goal weight may change. However, this is fun to play with and gives you a visual of how you will look a bit trimmer from making healthier eating choices and adding some exercise into your daily routine.
- Write down your goal; how much you'd like to lose, by when, and most importantly why.
- Take a before picture of yourself. You'll want a picture each week to see the progress you are making.
- Start NOW. Add 30 minutes of activity to your day this week. A walk, a jog, anything you choose.
- Follow us on Instagram @Makeovermommas for daily food and weight loss tips.
- Check back with us here.We will be posting motivational tips, recipes, snacks, workouts, and ways to sneak exercise into your day. Easy things that we can all do. Easy things that when put together will help blast that final ten pounds. We are ready. Are you?
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