Summer Park Packs for the Kids

May 24, 2017

 I realize that the point of a trip to the park or the backyard play set is to let the kids play on park equipment and get out their energy. However, lately by kids seem to get bored rather quickly and/or start fighting with each other when they should be having fun. Shocking right.

So while cleaning up the house today, I thought it would be a good idea to put together some more "Park Packs" that we can use throughout the summer. I gathered up some small toys that either aren't being used much inside or would be fun to play with at the park or in the backyard. I put each group of things together in a sack or bag and put them all by the door so they are ready for me to grab when we are headed out.

 The other thing I like about these is its a good way for kids to really play, be creative, and use their imagination. It gets them moving, away from screens, and lets you either play with them or have a moment of downtime while they play nicely with each other.

Pirate goods to pretend any playground is a pirate ship. 

DIY capes with broken nerf guns makes for perfect Superhero play.

Make your own superhero capes out of Dads old shirts. Just cut the sleeves and front of the shirt off. Leave the collar to go around the kids neck. The sleeves make excellent masks! 

Bug Catchers from the Dollar Store that have a built in magnifying glass can be used for all kinds of fun.

 Dinosaurs, Sand shovels, and bug catchers make a great pack for a sandy park for dinosaur excavation.

Balls of every size work great for parks with slides or to throw, kick, (or roll with babies.)

Kaladiascopes, plastic toy dog bones, and plastic dogs for a pack about dog catching or hunting or whatever else they dream up. You can find packs of Kaladiascopes at Walmart for a dollar or two on the party aisle.

 Sandwich containers can be used for snacks or to keep smaller items in to take to the park. 

If you feel like you don't have anything to use head to the local dollar store. You can pick up a few things on the cheap and not worry about it spending the summer outside or getting lost. They also have all kinds of containers for snacks or to put your items in.

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Megyn Jordyn © . Quinn Creatives .