Friday Favorites

March 30, 2017

It's Spring in Utah which means we can feel each of the four seasons in ONE day. Really though, its beautiful and sunny one day and freezing cold and raining the next. So, I'm living in layers, anything blush colored, (like this scarf) and breaking in my Rainbow Sandals for the new warm weather season. I'm told they are the most comfortable flip flop around, but the verdict is still out. 

This weekend is Conference Sunday which means a leisurely morning, a delicious breakfast, and time spent with family members as we watch televised messages from leaders of the LDS church. You can check it out online if you are interested. So, I'm planning a waffle bar with fresh berries, whip cream, and Smuckers Strawberry Syrup. Its a nice change from plain old maple, and it makes your breakfast look as good as it tastes. 

Saturday night we typically have our semi annual "girls night" with our mom and all of our sisters. We go out to eat or go see a movie. But, our mom recently fell, had to have knee surgery, and is currently bedridden for 4 more weeks before she can start physical therapy so Megyn and I have been dropping by for visits, bringing dinner, small treats and gifts (Thank you Target Dollar Spot) and doing anything we can to help cheer her up. It is frustrating for her to not be able to move for so long and to have to ask for help for nearly everything she needs. The past few weeks watching her has made me re evaluate the things I choose to complain about. Sure I'm tired from life with littles but at least I can walk, take care of my family, drive, shop, shower, etc all of the things that you take for granted until you can't do them. 

So, life has slowed down a little bit as we take time to visit with her and try to keep her spirits up the best we can. We have little ones that run wild at Grandmas house so sometimes I'm not sure how helpful we are but we do keep trying. Because under the circumstances its nice to have people care and have people show they care.  So this Saturday night in place of our girls night we'll probably bring dinner and/or dessert to her from our favorite local restaurant Kneaders, and finish the night off chasing our kids around making sure they don't bump into her injured leg or take off with her crutches to play hide and seek with them. :)

Have a good weekend all!

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