Summer is near over and no one is feeling it like your sun bleached, dried, hair. We can almost hear it calling for help from here. While we are sure you have some go to fixes up your sleeve, take a peek at ours and maybe you'll find a few new ones to love.
Take it easy when trimming your bangs, you can always cut more but you can't fix too short of bangs (unless you want to wear them pinned up for 3 weeks). Remember that when trimming you are pulling them down for an even cut, remember they will be shorter when the bangs are dry and have curl in them.
Your hair needs SPF too! And if you have even suffered through a sunburn on your scalp trust us on this one...throw on a hat to protect those luscious locks. Aren't a hat wearing gal?....try this Sun Bum Formula hits 3 birds with one stone, protects hair from damaging UV rays, detangles and conditions your dry frizzy summer fly aways, all while preventing color fading for those of us who love and live in the sun! If you don't want to spend money on SPF for your hair, deluge SPF with water in a spray bottle and spritz away.
Sounds gross, we know, but if you can get past the first few weeks of only washing 3 times a week (your hair will produce extra oil until it gets use to less washing) you will be definitely be able to tell a difference in your hair. You will have more texture, thickness, body, and we have heard it over and over from the hair goddesses that it is simply more healthy for you hair. Try it out before you diss it.
There are SO many hair products out there and a lot of them are great but not all at once. Don't pile on the hair products, you will have a sticky, heavy, greasy, dryer out mess. Use 3 products maximum on your hair every day.
Want to rid your body of toxins? Do some intense cardio and reap the benefits. Cardio has a direct impact on sebum which is an oily substance that conditions and moisturizes skin and keeps your hair from drying out. Plus a good workout will reduce your stress which has been known to cause hair loss. So workout to avoid fall out.
This doesn't mean you can never get your hair wet while you are getting your swim on, but the more you can keep your hair out of the chlorine the better, especially you blondes. If you are a pool rat this summer (or year round) try out a baking soda mixture after your pool sessions to stripe the chlorine from your hair...if you let chlorine sit in your hair you will eventually have green shades of hair.
Living in a dry hot climate during the summer, we are always battling frizzy, dry, static clinging hair. Use a moisturizing leave-in hair mask weekly or get domestic and make one of your own. Why can't we have the Southern California climate in Utah? sigh.
4 tablespoons of honey
2 tablespoons of olive oil
Mix and rub through hair
Cover with plastic bag for 20 minutes
Wash and style as normal
Give this girl 12 ft more of this hair, throw her in a tower, and call her Rupunzel. She uses a flat iron to get her messy blonde waves. It doesn't quite have the same effect in brunettes as it does this one is a tip for you goldilocks gals out there....or maybe it is just isn't working in our brunette hair.
Whether form the actual coconut or from a can coconut oil is fantastic for moisturizing your hair anytime of year but especially in the summer. You'll have to use your best judgement and experiment on how much you'll need for your hair type but rub some oil through your strands and into your scalp, wrap in a towel and let it sit for 20 minutes before washing it out. Your hair will get a much needed beauty treatment for a quarter of what it could cost. As a perk you can also use that same coconut oil as a lotion for face and body.
You read about it or a friend told you about a product so you bought it hoping your tresses would turn out like a Victoria Secret model. The results left you less than pleased. You now have bottles of unused hair products under your sink begging to be used. If you are not using them and haven't in a few weeks its time to give them the boot. They are taking up space and going bad and preventing you from purchasing a product that might actually work on your hair. We say might because we have a stash we need to toss also. Keep hair care simple to avoid a dent in your wallet and your beauty storage space. It's just easier.
It's easy and carefree, you'll save moolah on actual headbands, and when you need your glasses because you run into someone you don't care for and you need to go incognito quickly, boom there they are. Slip them on and you'll disappear into the crowd.
After a few trips to the local salon and a $70 plus dollar bill each time we learned to do highlights on our own, at home. Have a streaking party, one box can easily do 3-4 heads depending on length and how many highlights you want. Remember less is more. Start out with subtle streaks. You can always add more after your first attempt. Oh, and don't use the caps unless you want to end up at said salon to have your hair dyed back to its original color. Been there done that. Just use the tool that comes with and make simple streaks by painting your hair from near the root on down. It is as simple as that. Don't make it harder than it needs to be.
I had always heard that after a baby this will happen to you but I never thought it would really be that bad. At 6 months post-partumn I immediately started shedding hair...brushes full of hair, shower drains full of hair, it was everywhere. Know that it will stop, just try not to think about it and to help with baby from grabbing hair keep it pulled up when they go through the hair pulling stage.
Pour lemon juice on your hair and sit in the sun for 30 minutes to an hour for natural sun kissed highlighted hair, or place some lemon water in a spray bottle and give a few sprays from time to time.

Last but surely not least don't spend money on expensive beach waves sprays, make your own!
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