9 Ways to get Mom in photos

August 21, 2015

If you follow us on Instagram (which you should) you know I recently took a family vacation to Lake Powell. Given my love of photography, and the fact that on previous vacations we have not taken enough photos and regretted it I snapped to my little hearts content and came home with a whopping 800 photos on my camera card.

I looked through them and immediately had so many favorites of my kids with my husband, cousins, and their aunt and uncle that we don't get to see often.  Me with the kids? Well..... in my whole 800 plus photos I found these two below of myself with the kids. Yes those are my legs. I'm sure years from now my kids will know these are my legs and say oh yes, there is Mom, she did come on that trip with us.

I did realize I was not going to be in many photos while on the trip so I do have a few bad selfie attempts while on a moving boat with kids on my lap, and a few snap shots from my husbands phone but really not many. The last night of our trip in an effort to get some quality pictures I propped my phone up on my husbands truck bumper, set the timer and took a few photos before my battery died. I was rewarded with this one and it is one of my favorite photos.

Simply put Moms are not in enough photos. I know it. You know it. We need to change it. So whatever the reason why it has not been happening, fix it. Today, tomorrow, be creative. But do it.

  • Buy a selfie stick. Sure they are cheesy but they'll get you in the picture and they are $5 bucks at Walmart.
  • Learn how to use the timer and/or tripod on your camera.
  • Find a stranger and ask. 
  • Prop up your phone on rocks, against a bag, on nearly anything and set the timer. 
  • Remind the husband to snap a few of you here and there. They get busy and forget.
  • Practice. The more you take the better you'll get and the more ideas you'll have.
  • No makeup, turn your back to the camera. Problemo fixed.
  • Trying to lose a few pounds or more and don't want it to show. First you are perfect as is. Second get behind something or someone. Kids on laps, or standing in front of you might make you more comfortable.
  • Reflection shots from water, store windows, or anything shiny make for a great picture and get you all in it.

I took my kids up the canyon a few days ago and made sure I got a few snapshots WITH them using my self timer. Nothing fancy. But I'm there, in the shot with them. I had not slept the nights previous so you can probably see the dark circles under my eyes even with my back turned but I didn't let it stop me, and you shouldn't let it stop you. Sure, we all like to look our best but don't let the fact that you are makeup less, in old clothes, with a ponytail, and not at your ideal weight keep you from jumping into pictures with your kids, husband, and/or loved ones. You only make the memories once and your pictures are one way to enjoy them. So do it no excuses. You can thank us later.

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