Friday Favorites

May 26, 2017

It's hiking season which means getting a decent pack for your little monkeys, with my little 8 month old guy I love this one Once he gets bigger we will invest in something more legit looking for hiking trails. (if you have recommendations let me know!) 

When summer rolls around I am a hat junkie, partly because I am lazy and only wash my hair twice a week and partly for sun protection from those harsh sun rays, my go to hat shop, (they are having great sales now too). 

Im using more of this now that its getting warmer outside, Tomas Self Tanner This is my all time favorite self tanner; no smell, no mess, and great color!

We have made these cookies twice in the last week, the ultimate chocolate chip cookie recipe This will surely help your summer bod prep out!

Utah friends!!! Check out Battle Creek falls hike in PG for a fun family hike, easy for moms totting 22 lb. babies and tiny toddlers!!

Summer Park Packs for the Kids

May 24, 2017

 I realize that the point of a trip to the park or the backyard play set is to let the kids play on park equipment and get out their energy. However, lately by kids seem to get bored rather quickly and/or start fighting with each other when they should be having fun. Shocking right.

So while cleaning up the house today, I thought it would be a good idea to put together some more "Park Packs" that we can use throughout the summer. I gathered up some small toys that either aren't being used much inside or would be fun to play with at the park or in the backyard. I put each group of things together in a sack or bag and put them all by the door so they are ready for me to grab when we are headed out.

 The other thing I like about these is its a good way for kids to really play, be creative, and use their imagination. It gets them moving, away from screens, and lets you either play with them or have a moment of downtime while they play nicely with each other.

Pirate goods to pretend any playground is a pirate ship. 

DIY capes with broken nerf guns makes for perfect Superhero play.

Make your own superhero capes out of Dads old shirts. Just cut the sleeves and front of the shirt off. Leave the collar to go around the kids neck. The sleeves make excellent masks! 

Bug Catchers from the Dollar Store that have a built in magnifying glass can be used for all kinds of fun.

 Dinosaurs, Sand shovels, and bug catchers make a great pack for a sandy park for dinosaur excavation.

Balls of every size work great for parks with slides or to throw, kick, (or roll with babies.)

Kaladiascopes, plastic toy dog bones, and plastic dogs for a pack about dog catching or hunting or whatever else they dream up. You can find packs of Kaladiascopes at Walmart for a dollar or two on the party aisle.

 Sandwich containers can be used for snacks or to keep smaller items in to take to the park. 

If you feel like you don't have anything to use head to the local dollar store. You can pick up a few things on the cheap and not worry about it spending the summer outside or getting lost. They also have all kinds of containers for snacks or to put your items in.

Friday Favorites

April 28, 2017

We spent last weekend freezing our little butts off in the wind and rain and doing a bunch of spring stuff with the kiddos. We hit up a few parks, soccer of course, and made our own watering cans out of milk jugs which have now become a bath toy. The boys have been living in rain boots. The red Spiderman ones were hand me downs from a cousin but the blue ones pictured above we got at Walmart and I've been really happy with them. 

I realized this week that Mothers Day is only two weeks away and our Mom is extremely hard to shop for so I've started looking around for ideas for her so I'm not empty handed on Mothers Day. Started a Spring/Mothers Day board on Pinterest with ideas for the littles to make for Mom or Grandmas. Check it out if you need ideas. Also, I have been noticing that Shutterfly, Persnickety Prints, and a few other photo sites have some great photo ideas for Mothers Day. If you can't think of a good gift. Photos or photo gifts are always nice to give.

My baby currently won't sleep unless he is being held so we are also living in my Moby Baby Wrap from Target and my Eddie Bauer baby carrier. I love them both for different reasons but they have saved me when little gets fussy and wants to be close but my arms and back need some support. I put my coat on over the wrap or carrier and it helps us both stay toasty. 

We went to the Zoo last weekend and baby slept most of the time and kept me warm to boot. So win win. The only picture I managed to get myself in was with this little otter thing that my kids like to call Mr. Otterton. (Zootopia) So, note to self. Next time a picture with something a bit more majestic maybe.

Also, in a last ditch effort to lost my baby weight before summer I started the Tone It Up challenge this weeks. 8 weeks of workouts until summer. I am so sore I can barely move but that means its working right. Its not to late to jump on in should you feel so inclined. :) 

Happy Weekending!-Jordyn

Megyn Jordyn © . Quinn Creatives .